7 Best WordPress Social Share Plugins
Are you spending a lot of time and energy on writing excellent WordPress blogposts for your website but just not getting any traction you hoped for? A great way to make sure your posts are seen by as many people as possible is to encourage sharing on social media. WordPress social share plugins make this process incredibly easy, for most of them you can just install the plugin and start seeing results! Here’s a list from us at WP Carers to help you of the 7 Best WordPress Social Share Plugins.

Image: ElegantThemes.com
1. Monarch – WordPress Social Share Plugins
Monarch is a social sharing plugin by Elegant Themes. It lets you show your share counts after they reach a certain point for instant online credibility. The plugin also allows you to display social icons in any widget area, including the sidebar. Additional features include multiple display options, easy to use interface, built in statistics, support for all the most popular social networks and social sharing pop-ups.

Image: Shareaholic.com
2. Shareaholic – Share Plugin WordPress
Not only is this a WordPress social share plugin, it also acts as a full content management system. Shareaholic is a free plugin, but it requires you to register an account with them in order to use it. This plugin provides many different options for how your share buttons will appear. One negative aspect to the plugin is that after your audience shares your content, they will automatically see an advert. Additional features include display related content feature, option share counts, shortcode placement, social analytics integration and support for all major social networks.

Image: WarfarePlugins.com
3. Social Warfare – WordPress Social Share Plugin
You can be sure you’ll see results with Social Warfare – users have reported up to a 300% increase in social shares after installing it. This plugin allows you to upload Pinterest-specific images and descriptions to increase traction on the platform. The plugin also lets you add tweetable quote boxes within your content which are great for motivating Twitter users to share with their followers. Additional features include UTM tracking code, multiple themes, floating share buttons, share counts and full mobile responsiveness.

Image: CodeCanyon.net
4. Social Share & Locker Pro – WordPress Share Post Plugin
As its name suggests, this plugin doubles as a social share button plugin and a content locker. You can hide certain content from your audience, then reveal it in exchange for a social share. Social Share & Locker Pro lets you create eye-catching social share buttons, with plenty of options, there are 30 themes included. Additional features include full mobile responsiveness, share counts, WooCommerce, BuddyPress and JigoShop compatibility, support for shortcode placement and the option to change text in share buttons.

Image: CodeCanyon.net
5. Easy Social Metrics Pro – WordPress Sharing Plugin
Easy Social Metrics Pro allows you to meticulously monitor how your social media strategy is progressing. It’s a paid plugin, but it’s worth it as it lets you easily see which platform you’re creating traction on, without having to get hot and heavy into boring reports. Additional features include support for 12 different social medias, custom post types, manual update option and top posts.
6. TweetDis – WordPress Social Share Plugins
This plugin provides you with the quickest and easiest way to add “click to tweet” quote boxes within your content. TweetDis allows you to add these boxes to both text and images and you can choose your own call to action. Additional features include Bitly support, various design layouts, support for text highlighting and full mobile responsiveness.

Image: WPSharely.com
7. WP Sharely – Share Plugin WordPress
WP Sharely is a content locker that requires visitors to share on social media in order to unlock content. Users of this plugin have successfully increased their social shares by up to 40%, so you can expect good things! The plugin has a number of themes and is compatible with Twitter and Google+. Additional features include the option to alter shareable URLs, built-in analytics, the option to hide locker for mobile users and customisable tweet messages.