Our 5 Hot Tips for the Irish Blog Awards 2015
Excitement grows within the Irish blogging community as the fourth annual Irish Blog Awards takes place tomorrow at the Tivoli theatre. The theme of the event will be Burlesque/Speakeasy and there are over 10 categories with a corporate and personal/individual winner announced for each. The competition is tight in many categories, but we reckon we can sniff out a winner! Here’s a list from us at WP Carers of Our 5 Hot Tips for the Irish Blog Awards 2015!

Image: 7billionpeople.net
1. Art & Culture Blog – 7 Billion People All Alive At Once
What better way to represent Irish culture and art than through music? This beautifully-named blog was founded by Greg Synott, but features writing and photographs from other contributors also. The blog includes reviews, interviews and news, mainly focused on new Irish music. We’d put our money on this one to take home the Art & Culture award at the Irish Blog Awards.

Image: makeupdontfakeup.blogspot.ie
2. Beauty Blog – Make Up Don’t Fake Up
It’s always so refreshing when a beauty guru is down-to-earth and Caitriona McCormack, a media student in Galway, achieves exactly that with her Irish beauty blog. She regularly posts about her recent beauty buys, concentrating on drugstore products. Her blog also features excellent swatches, makeup tutorials and posts on student life. We’d love for her to win the Beauty Blog accolade at the Irish blog awards.

Image: furcoatnoknickers.com
3. Best Blog Post – “Why Clery’s is Gone – The Real Reason”
This blog post is by marketing and trend blogger Fur Coats No Knickers, a.k.a Rachel Ray. It’s a brilliant plain-speaking opinion piece with her experiences of the once-iconic Irish store Clery’s and her views on where they went wrong. The post certainly raises some salient branding points and we think it’s deserving of an Irish Blog Award in this category.

Image: awfullychipper.com
4. Diaspora Blog – Awfully Chipper
If you’re looking for hilarious writing and a no-holds-barred view of parenting, this is the blog for you! Written by a Dublin-born copywriter living near Washington DC whose name may or may not be Maud, Awfully Chipper shares thoughts on Irish vs. American childhoods, experiences as a mother and other funny tidbits from her daily life.

Image: Tecdr.net
5. Digital & Tech Blog – Tec Dr
You probably already know we’re big fans of the Tec Dr here at WP Carers, as we’ve already dedicated an entire blog post to him! Ronan’s blog focuses on security and ethics on the internet and the wider realm of technology. His always well-written posts are sure to educate, inform and entertain, and he’s certainly our pick for the Irish Blog Awards.

Image: emmaisthenewblack.wordpress.com
6. Fashion Blog – Emma is the New Black
This sleek blog is by none other than Emma Carty, Art Director of Irish Tatler for 13 years and now a freelance Editorial Designer, Art Director and Personal Stylist. Her posts usually consist of sharing recent fashion news, her OOTDs (that’s Outfit Of The Day for the Instagram-illiterate!), the latest trends and her take on celebrity style.

Image: thelittlegreenspoon.com
7. Health & Well Being – The Little Green Spoon
Written by Dublin-based food blogger, Indy Power, this blog is an amazing source of culinary inspiration. There’s an emphasis on natural, nutritious and nourishing foods throughout, so being healthy becomes a lot more delicious. All recipes are nutrient-rich, gluten-free, and refined sugar free, with plenty of options for vegans or those following a Paleo diet.