7 Best WP Plugins for Healthcare
Are you a medical professional or in the healthcare industry? Does your WordPress website leave something to be desired? This is easily fixed with some great plugins which can make your site better and your job simpler! Plugins can encourage interaction on your site, make your WordPress look more polished and much more. We here at WP Carers compiled a list of the 7 Best WP Plugins for Healthcare to make sure your site is fighting fit.

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1. Contact Form 7 – Best WP Plugins
Contact with potential patients is imperative for attracting new business and a form-builder plugin will allow you this interaction. This tool means you can do everything from accept questions to create patient intake forms on your WordPress site. There are many choices of form-builder plugin but we recommend Contact Form 7 as it’s simple, light and effective.

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2. Bookings – WP Booking Plugin
By allowing your patients to schedule their own appointments you’re encouraging traffic and interaction on your site. A booking plugin enables this while letting you set the parameters, such as set margins between appointments, black out lunch breaks, approve reservations and send confirmation emails. Bookings is our favourite as it integrates seamlessly with your WordPress site and has a user friendly interface.

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3. Events – Doctor Web
If you offer patient education events or open days for new patients, you’ll want a simple way to let patients and community members sign up, without adding to the workload of your team. An events calendar plugin is perfect for this and in our opinion Events is one of the best WP plugins for the purpose as it works well without any customisation or coding and is simple to use.

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4. WP CRM – Best WP Plugins
CRM stands for Customer Relations Management and a CRM plugin will allow you to manage all of your customers, vendors, partners and affiliates. You can organise your patients using custom attributes, find them using filters and keep track of your correspondence with them. WP CRM works well because it’s easy, powerful and you can oversee everything from the ‘admin’ section of your site.

Image: matthewschwartz.me
5. WP GMappity – WordPress Maps Plugin
A map on your website will help new patients easily find you, and a Google map will stay up to date and allow users to navigate the area around your premises. WP GMappity allows easy insertion of a Google map and features routes, markers with custom graphics and 3 different map types.

Image: wordpress.org
6. PubMed – Doctor Web
Having a regularly-updated blog is the best way to keep your content fresh, but if you don’t have the time or the resources, this plugin could be the next best thing. PubMed pulls in posts from pubmed.gov, so you can feature recent biomedical articles on your site and edit their descriptions to best suit your needs.

Image: wordpress.org
7. Calculator Pro – Best WP Plugins
Becoming an informative source of knowledge for your patients will establish you as an authority in your field. Thus, providing patients with the tools to monitor their own health may seem counterproductive, but will do wonders for your online presence. Calculator Pro is amongst the best WP plugins as it has a wide range of calculators you can integrate into your site, including many health-related ones that can measure Alcohol calorie count, BAI, Blood Sugar, BMI, Body Fat, Due Date and much more.